
Wi-Fi Indoor Antennas

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Buyers Info

The fundamentals of wireless antennas

In Wi-Fi communication, antennas are devices that convert electrical energy into radio frequency waves to transmit data and back from radio frequency waves to electrical energy to receive it. Better antennas will produce a well-founded quality signal for the dedicated coverage area. It gives you an option to extend your Wi-Fi coverage area well beyond the current one. Therefore, by choosing the right antenna, you can make sure you get satisfactory results when you need a boost to your Wi-Fi signal.

2.4GHz to 5GHz Wi-Fi antennas

We have a selection of omnidirectional and non-directional antennas that provide impressive signal gain over long distances. Just connect them to your existing wireless router and enjoy a reliable data stream at your chosen location. There is a wide range of exceptional quality antennas for you to choose from in our store - from simple 2.4Ghz antennas to long-range, directional, dual-band (2.4GHz to 5GHz) 10dbi Alfa panel indoor antennas capable of transmitting your Wi-Fi signal to a distant spot.